

What is Microneedling?

Microneedling is a treatment to help with fine lines and wrinkles, acne scars, skin texture and more. This treatment is based on the concept that our skin will repair itself when it's injured, leaving you with new and improved skin. Microneedling works by creating multiple micro-channels that stimulate your body to create collagen and elastin, helping repair the tiny micro-injuries while minimizing cellular damage. Not only will your collagen increase but any products added during the treatment, such as PRP, will penetrate deeper into the skin giving added benefits. This treatment rejuvenates your skin from the inside out, greatly improving any skin concerns.

Microneedling Benefits

There are many benefits from Microneedling such as improving skin texture, hyperpigmentation, stretch marks, acne scars as well as fine lines and wrinkles. It is safe for all skin tones and skin types making it a great treatment for mostly everyone.  

Most patients are great candidates for Microneedling treatment, though there are some exceptions such as people with an active breakout, women who are pregnant or nursing.

Treatment Process for Microneedling

Prior to your Microneedling treatment, numbing cream will be applied to the area of treatment. Mostly commonly, this is the face, neck and chest. This allows for a more comfortable experience, where you usually only feel the vibration of the SkinPen.  

After 30 minutes of numbing, it is removed and the Microneedling handpiece is passed along the treatment area creating the tiny micro-injuries. To ensure quality results, multiple passes across the treatment area may be performed to ensure even and quality results. The entire treatment takes approximately one hour. Additional products may be added during your treatment, such as platelet rich plasma (PRP), for added benefits.  

Microneedling Aftercare

After your Microneedling treatment, the skin will appear slightly pink to red immediately post treatment, similar to a mild sunburn. There is no downtime or recovery however due to the redness,  slight swelling, and possible bruising, you may not want to return to work the same day. Redness usually resolves in 24 hours. As the redness dissipates and the skin begins to heal, it is normal to experience rough skin, dryness and possible flaky skin for 3-5 days. During this time, it's important to avoid sun exposure, avoid alcohol or smoking and wear sunscreen with a proper SPF.

It can take a week to see the full effects and benefits from your Microneedling treatment. Although you will see results after one Microneedling treatment, it is recommended to have additional treatments for full treatment of your skin concerns. Depending on your skin goals, 3-6 treatments may be needed 4-6 weeks apart.  

Pricing: Varies and Package Pricing Available

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